lunes, 13 de junio de 2011


-In the noth of Spain it will rain and it will be cloudy.
-In the centre of Spain it will be sunny.
-In the Pyrenees it will rain and it will snow.
-In the Baleares Isles it will rain, it will be cloudy and sunny.
-In the south of Spain it will be sunny and hot.
-In Madrid it will be sunny.
-In the Formentera it will be hot and sunny.
-In the Andalucía it will be sunny.
-In the País Vasco it will rain.

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011


My favourite TV programme is a quiz show called "Atrapa un millón".
It is a very popular soap opera in many countries.
In English it is called "The Money Drop". I like it because it is very
entertaining and good fun.

In the programme, the objecitive is to win a milion euros. First,
you start with a milion and you have to try not to lose it. 
It is very difficult. People don't usually manage it.

In my opinion, the programme is very interesting and you can 
learn a lot of things. 

lunes, 4 de abril de 2011


1. Alba likes playing tennis. She sometimes plays tennis in the summer.
2. My sister hates doing homework. She never wants to do it.
3. Selene loves surfing the internet. She is always connected to the Internet.
4. Laura doesn't like tidying up her room. She hardly ever puts her clothes in her wardrove.
5. My cousin enjoys going out. She is never at home.
6. My mother doesn't mind sewing. She sews trausers and other clothes.
7. Raquel loves watching TV. She often watches TV series.
8. My father like watching football on TV. He often watches football on Sundays.
9. My grandmother enjoys looking at photos. She usually remembers her past when she looks at the photos.
10. My cousin hates reading books. He never reads.

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011


Podem estalviar aigua dutxant-nos en compte de banyar-nos, no deixant l'aixeta obert quan ens estem llavant les dents, utilitzar la llavadora tota plena si és possible en compte de posar-la buida i diverses vegades al dia, netejar els plats amb el llavaplats en compte de a mà, si lavas els plats a mà, fes-ho amb un recipient d'aigua en compte de amb l'aixeta oberta.

viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011


I've lived in Jávea all my life.I have had the same friends for many years. I have been to the Pyrenees a lot of times but Ihave never been to England. I have climbed the Montgó. I have gone to Juniors since I was ten years old. I have never had an operation. I have been on holiday to Portaventura. I haven't been on a Cruise yet but I want to do it soon. I have seen some famous people. I have always wanted to meet Mario Casas and Max Iglesias.

jueves, 6 de enero de 2011